Liu Yi Biography
刘 毅
2024年,刘毅的作品《当我睡着了,梦来了》荣获第二十六届上海国际电影节最佳动画作品奖。2017年,她的作品《一只乌鸦叫了一整天》继入选并展映于荷兰国际动画节后,获得了华时代全球短片节“终审团特别推荐奖”。2018年,受韩国首尔美术馆邀请,参加“SeMA 南麂”艺术家驻地项目。2019年,受邀参加法国昂儒大皇家修道院的艺术家驻地,并担任塞浦路斯动画电影节评委,在塞浦路斯完成个人驻地项目展览。她的作品被澳洲白兔美术馆、斯坦福大学东亚图书馆和香港M+博物馆、上海当代艺术博物馆等机构收藏。
Liu Yi was born in 1990 in Ningbo, China. She obtained her Master’s degree from the China Academy of Fine Arts in 2016. Currently, she resides in Hangzhou.
She explores human multidimensional perceptions and modes of existence by integrating various mediums, including ink painting, animation, video installations, and painting. Her work focuses on the interactions between humans, nature, and society, transcending the boundaries between traditional and modern art forms. This synthesis creates a new visual language that delves into the fluid dynamics of time and space. Her video works include such as “Morning and Dusk, “No More,” “Burning,” “When I Fall Asleep,My Dream Comes”,”Origin of Species,” “Chaos Theory,” “A Travel Inward,” “Into The Void,” “A Crow Has Been Calling for a Whole Day,” and “The Earthly Men.” Additionally, her collaborative stage works such as “Spring, River, Flower, Moon, Night” and “Idyllic Lives.”
Liu Yi’s video works and installations have been exhibited in renowned museums and institutions worldwide, including the Animist Tallinn Festival Exhibition, Cyprus Museum, Seoul Museum of Art, Power Station of Art, Ichihara Lakeside Museum Japan, Courtesy of Messe Basel, Tai Kwun HK, Guan Shanyue Art Museum Shenzhen, Tallinn Republic of Estonia,Cyprus Museum Nicosia, New Chitose Airport Japan, Centre for Heritage Arts & Textile HK,Zhejiang Art Museum and Shanghai Oil Painting and Sculpture Institute Art Museum etc.
In 2024, Liu Yi’s work “When I Fall Asleep, the Dream Comes” won the Best Animation Work Award at the 26th Shanghai International Film Festival.In 2017, her work “A Crow Has Been Calling for a Whole Day” was selected for the Holland Animation Film Festival (HAFF) and later received the “Special Recommendation” award at the Hua International Short Film Festival. In 2018, Liu Yi was invited to participate in the SeMa Nanji Residency Project at the Seoul Museum of Art. The following year, she was invited to The Royal Abbey of Fontevraud in Anjou as an artist in residence and served as a jury member for the Cyprus Animation Film Festival. She also completed an exhibition during her residency program in Cyprus. Her works have been collected by esteemed institutions such as the White Rabbit Contemporary Chinese Art Collection, the East Asia Library of Stanford University, and the M+ Collection.
LIU YI works and lives in Hangzhou
Basic 1990 Born in Ningbo, Zhejiang, China
2013 -2016 China Academy of Art – Master of Fine Arts
2009 -2012 China Academy of Art – Bachelor of Fine Arts (New Media)
2017 HUA International Short Film Festival
– Special Recommendation Of The Final Appeal
2021 Idyllic Lives ,Theater performance
Spring, River, Flower, Moon, Night, Theater performance
2019 Cyprus International Artist Residency
Aliens and immigration office Soup-salad-pasta-pizza
NEF Animation-International Artist Residency
The Royal Abbey of Fontevraud,Anjou ,France2018
Sema Nanji Residency Seoul Museum of Art, Seoul, Korea2017
A Travel Inward-Liuyi solo Project, Museum of Contemporary Art, Shanghai
East Asia Library of Stanford University, San Francisco, U.S.A.
White Rabbit, Contemporary Chinese Art Collection, New South Wales
M+museum, Hongkong
Solo Exhibitions
2023 Stirring consciousness –Coexistence of Myths,Nature and Humanity
2022 Liuyi:Hedgehhog Confusion
2021 Liuyi:Among The crows
2019 LiuYi: Cyprus
2018 Liu Yi: Thrown into the Wind , ShanghART M50, Shanghai
2017 Liuyi: Flowing Feast , ShanghART Singapore, Singapore
Group Exhibitions
2024 Egress of the Spirit, OX Warehouse, Macao
On the Road, Nomination Exhibition of Young Chinese Artists & Seminar of Young Critics, Guan Shanyue Art Museum,Shenzhen
ICHIHARA x ART x CONNECTIONS Crossing of Worlds and Me, Ichihara Lakeside Museum,Ichihara,Japan
Great Flux, 1979 Gallery, Shenzhen
The Imagery Between Lines and Paper, ShanghART, Shanghai
2023 Mediated Body: Among Objects and Fields, ShanghART, Shanghai
Setting Sail: Contemporary Echoes of the Maritime Silk Road, Zhangjiagang Art Museum, Suzhou
Ink Asia 2023 Special Screening, Hong Kon
Arrival, Hangzhou
Jing’an International Sculpture Project: Reshaping Space, Space Evolution, Jing’an Sculpture Park
Mediated Body: Among Objects and Fields, ShanghART, Shanghai
Source, Nart Museum, Ningbo
A Journey of Love and Memory, Being Art Museum, Shanghai
2022 Superimpose, The possibility of pluralistic dialogue, Zhu Qizhan Art Museum, Shanghai
The Way Toward Poetry 3:Joint Exhibition of Chinese and Japanese Artists, Far up the Cold
Mountain · A Long Journey, Zhejiang Exhibition Hall, Hangzhou
The Realm of Flux and variation, Invited painting exhibition of contemporary female artists from the
Yangtze river delta, Shanghai Oil Painting & Sculpture Institute, Shanghai
Play and Loop IV, Blindspot Gallery, Hong Kon
The Way Toward Poetry, Zhejiang Exhibition Hall, Hangzhou
Chinese “Gan Jue”, South China Art Museum (Online), Dongguan
2021 Death Ray on the Coral Island, Science Fiction and Its Archeology, Power Station of Art, Shanghai
Elephant in the Room, HiShorts! Film Festival, Art Amoy Museum, Xiamen
Spinning East Asia Series I: A Compass in Hand, Centre for Heritage Arts & Textile, Hong Kong
Animist Tallinn Festival Exhibition, Animation and Contemporary, Tallinn, Estonia
Bamboo as Method, Bamboo and Rattan Garden of Dongping National Forest Park, Shanghai
Scenic Line Of An Alley, Mao Space, Shanghai
A Room That Releases Spores, THESHOUTER, Shanghai
2020 One Tree Fifty Ideas, 398 TianMuShan Road, Hangzhou
Cache:From B to Z, ShanghART, Shanghai
2019 Shanghai Urban Space Art,Season ,Encounter ,Shanghai
Shanghai Express Group Exhibition Galerie Hussenot, Paris, France
The Drawing Hand, DANYSZ gallery, Shanghai
Animation and Contemporary Art, Cyprus Sate Gallery of Contemporary Art, Cyprus
Side Lanes, ShanghART, Shanghai
2018 Partial Parable?, Extrart Base, Shanghai
Now a dialogue on female chinese contemporary Artists, HOME, Manchester, U.K.
2017 Land of Plenty Song-cloud ,Times Art Museum, Beijing
Imagenation Factory, Discover Another Possibility of Life, Hanshan Art Museum, Suzhou,
Ballade – Animamix Contemporary Art Macao Museum of Art, Macao
Sow ShanghART(M50), Shanghai
2016 The Third Shenzhen Independent Animation Biennale, Time Based. Non-Places, C2 Space, OCT- LOFT, Shenzhen
China Academy of Art, Hangzhou
‘The Contemporary Video’ Art Exhibition, The Poetic Traces in QiandaoLake , China
Academy of Art, Hangzhou
Space In Mind – Animamix Biennale 2015-2016 , Museum of Contemporary Art, Shanghai
2015 Fly without Wings – Video Exhibition , V Art Center, Sanghai
2014 Restless Heart Syndrome , Hangzhou One Space, Hangzhou
2013 The 8th International Ink Art Biennale of Shen Zhen, Shenzhen Fine Art Institute, Shen Zhen
10th China Independent Film Festival (CIFF), M.T. Salon, Xiamen
Limited Knowledge, Run Run Shaw Creative Media Centre, Hong Kong
2012 9th China Independent Film Festival, RCM Art Museum, Nanjing
Limited Knowledge, China Academy of Art, Hangzhou
Film Festivals
2021 Tallinn Animation Festival , Tallinn
2019 Sharjah Film Platform, Sharjah, The United Arab Emirates
Bronx World Film Cycle, Bronx, U.S.A.
2018 International Shortfilm Festival Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany
Comic-Salon Erlangen, Erlangen, Germany
New Chitose Airport International Animation Festival 2018, Hokkaido, Japan
2017 Hua International Short Film Festival, Hollywood, London, New York, Tokyo, Sydney, Beijing
Holland Animation Film Festival (HAFF), Utrecht, The Netherlands
1990 生于中国浙江宁波
2013 -2016 中国美术学院,硕士学位
2009 -2012 中国美术学院,学士学位
2017 首届华时代全球短片节
– 终审团特别推荐短片
2023 WINDOWS1298艺术橱窗:刘毅《好想喜欢你》,無集空间,上海
2021 渔樵耕读舞台作品跨界
春江花月夜剧场作品跨界2019 塞浦路斯国际艺术家驻地项目 流动的盛宴
2018 SeMA 南麂驻地项目首尔,韩国
2017 度口-刘毅个人项目,“MOCA 艺术亭台”
2023 刘毅 跃迁,香格纳,上海
2023 刘毅 涌动的意识 人类神话与自然的共生,牛房仓库,澳门
2022 刘毅 刺猬的困惑,浙江美术馆,杭州
2021 刘毅 鸦群里,那只白鸽
2019 刘毅 流动的盛宴,塞浦路斯
2018 刘毅 扔到风里去,香格纳,上海
2017 刘毅 流光溢彩, 香格纳新加坡,新加坡
2024 出神,牛房仓库,澳门
在路上,2023 中国青年艺术家作品提名展,关山月美术馆,深圳
ICHIHARA x ART x CONNECTIONS 世界与我之交错,市原湖畔美术馆,千叶县,日本
2023 身体媒介:在物与场之间,香格纳,上海
2022 叠影,多元对话的可能性,朱屺瞻艺术馆,上海
唐诗之路 | 青山行不尽 3:中日艺术家作品特展,远上寒山 · 一径渡远,浙江展览馆,杭州
循環播放 IV,刺点画廊,香港
青山行不尽 2:唐诗之路艺术展,浙江展览馆,杭州
2021 珊瑚岛上的死光——科幻及其考古学,上海当代艺术博物馆,上海
房间里的大象,HiShorts!画舞台 实验影像艺术展,艺术厦门美术馆,厦门
弄堂里的西洋镜,MAO SPACE,上海
2020 Hasty Falling Time,日内瓦
2019 上海城市空间艺术季,上海
Shanghai Express 群展 Hussenot画廊,巴黎,法国
2018 片面寓言? 多余美术馆,上海
兴起:中国当代艺术中的女性声音 大曼彻斯特艺术中心/home ;焦点美术馆;艺术&创造基金会,英国
2017 云中渔歌,北京时代美术馆,北京
叙事曲—动漫美学当代艺术展, 澳门艺术博物馆, 澳门
来来来, 香格纳(M50),上海
2016 第三届深圳独立动画双年展,时间无间,华侨城创意文化园 C2空间,深圳
“影像当代”艺术家邀请展,诗影重重 中国美术学院,杭州
2015 不翼而飞,视界艺术中心,上海
2014 心猿意马 一个空间,杭州
2013 第八届深圳水墨国际双年展, 深圳画院,深圳
2012 第九届中国独立影展,南视觉美术馆,南京
有限的知识, 中国美术学院,杭州
2021 塔林动画艺术节 塔林,爱沙尼亚共和国
2019 新千岁空港国际动画映画祭,北海道,日本
2018 汉堡国际短片电影节,汉堡,德国
2017 华时代全球短片节,好莱坞,伦敦,纽约,东京,悉尼,北京